You probably hear natural health practitioners harping on about why gut health is so important and whilst I don’t want to sound like a broken record, I do really want to emphasise the importance of your gut health.
So basically, all concerns stem from the gut and in natural medicine, we consider it your “second brain” and is more formally known as the gut-brain axis. There are so many things that can impact gut health so below I have listed a few for you:
1. Stress
If your body is under stress, whether it be physical or emotional, this can actually disrupt your beneficial gut microbiome. Symptomatically, this can present as bloating, discomfort and changes in your bowel motions (e.g. does fluctuating between loose and solid sound familiar?)
2. Inflammatory foods
We are all for balance not perfection. Enjoy the “naughty” foods without guilt but always in moderation. Why? Because the foods you consume are either supporting your gut health or harming them - simple as that. For example, refined sugars feed harmful gut bacterias (allowing them to thrive). Best practice is to aim for whole foods with minimal processing.
3. Antibiotics
While antibiotics have their place, where you can swap them for a natural alternative. Antibiotics not only wipe out harmful bacteria, they unfortunately wipe out your beneficial microbiome too. Beneficial microbiome takes time to rebuild and when it’s depleted, it’s vulnerable to harmful bacterias.
4. Lack of exercise
Next time you feel like you have no motivation to exercise, do it for your gut health. Think of your beneficial bacteria as a bunch of little friends with their activewear and sneakers on itching to go for a walk. They will reward you for the exercise with flourishing gut health.
5. Exposure to toxins
You probably know what we’re about to say here but please for the love of god, never underestimate the choke hold toxins have on your gut health when they’re not being detoxified properly. Toxic exposure may be from your environment, occupation, clothing, cosmetics, water, food etc. This is one of the key reasons we created our Detox & Replenish Bundle. At a minimum, ensure you are having daily bowel motions.
So now you know some key reasons that contribute to impacting gut health. Remember, if your gut isn't functioning optimally, then neither are you.
Let’s dive into the flow on affect. Below are 3 reasons you want to keep your gut health in check.
1. Hormonal Balance
Your gut microbiome plays a very crucial role in regulation of hormones. Happy gut = happy hormones.
2. Food Intolerance
Your sensitivity and intolerances to food isn't because of the food, it's actually because of your gut health. Heal your gut and enjoy those tasty foods again without the discomfort!
3. Detoxification
Your gut is one of the key ways toxins are eliminated in the body. If your gut health isn't quite up to scratch, this can increase toxic burden. Let's improve your gut health to improve your detoxification pathways.
4. Skin Health
Did you know that gut health is directly linked to skin health? Improving gut health is a vital to skin health and healing skin concerns (e.g. acne, eczema, psoriasis).
5. Immune System
Think of your gut as having little warriors ready to fight for you. Feeding, nurturing and loving these warriors is essential for a strong immune system. So there you have it, an overview of your gut and why it is so important for your health. The best thing about working on your gut health is the domino effect it has on your overall health. You're going to love how it makes you feel & i'll be by your side the entire way.
If any of the above feel's like you, comment your experience below (in as little or as much detail as you like), I'd love to hear from you.